Source code for pycobi.pycobi

import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from pandas import DataFrame, MultiIndex, Series
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from pyrates import CircuitTemplate, clear
from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d import Line3DCollection
from typing import Union, Any, Optional
import pickle

from .utility import get_solution_stability, get_solution_keys, get_branch_info, get_solution_variables, \
    get_solution_params, get_solution_eigenvalues, get_lyapunov_exponents

[docs]class ODESystem: __slots__ = ["auto_solutions", "results", "_orig_dir", "dir", "_auto", "_last_cont", "_cont_num", "_results_map", "_branches", "_bifurcation_styles", "_temp", "additional_attributes", "_eq", "_var_map", "_var_map_inv"] blocked_indices = (10, 15) def __init__(self, eq_file: str, working_dir: str = None, auto_dir: str = None, init_cont: bool = True, params: list = None, state_vars: list = None, **kwargs) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- eq_file Equation file that this instance of PyCoBi will use for all calls to `` working_dir Directory in which all the fortran equation and auto-07p constant files are saved. auto_dir Installation directory of auto-07p. init_cont If true, an integration with respect to time will be performed, using the equation file provided via the keyword argument `e=<fname>` (a file named `<fname>.f90` should exist in `working_dir`) and the auto constants provided via the keyword argument `c=<fname>` (a file named `c.<fname>` should exist in `working_dir`). params Optional ordered list with names of all parameters in the model equations. Can be used to refer to model parameters. state_vars Optional ordered list that provides a name for each entry in the state vector of the model equations. kwargs Additional keyword arguments that will be provided to the `` method for performing the time integration. """ # make sure that auto-07p environment variables are set if 'AUTO_DIR' not in os.environ: if auto_dir is None: raise ValueError('Auto-07p directory has not been set as environment variable. ' 'Please provide path to cmds/ or set environment variable yourself.') else: auto_dir = auto_dir.replace('$HOME', '~') auto_dir = os.path.expanduser(auto_dir) os.environ['AUTO_DIR'] = auto_dir path = f"{auto_dir}/cmds:{auto_dir}/bin:{os.environ['PATH']}" os.environ['PATH'] = path import auto as a # open attributes self.auto_solutions = {} self.results = {} self._orig_dir = os.getcwd() if working_dir: try: os.chdir(working_dir) except FileNotFoundError: os.chdir(f"{os.getcwd()}/{working_dir}") self.dir = os.getcwd() self.additional_attributes = {} # private attributes self._auto = a self._eq = eq_file self._last_cont = 0 self._cont_num = 0 self._results_map = {} self._branches = {} self._bifurcation_styles = {'LP': {'marker': 'v', 'color' : '#5D6D7E'}, 'HB': {'marker': 'o', 'color': '#148F77'}, 'CP': {'marker': 'd', 'color': '#5D6D7E'}, 'PD': {'marker': 'h', 'color': '#5D6D7E'}, 'BT': {'marker': 's', 'color': 'k'}, 'GH': {'marker': 'o', 'color': '#148F77'} } self._temp = kwargs.pop("template", None) # create a map that links variable/parameter indices to string-based keys self._var_map = {"t": {"cont": 14, "plot": "PAR(14)"}} self._var_map_inv = {} if params: increment = 1 for i, key in enumerate(params): idx = i + increment if self.blocked_indices[0] <= idx <= self.blocked_indices[1]: idx -= increment increment += self.blocked_indices[1] - self.blocked_indices[0] idx += increment self._var_map[key] = {"cont": idx, "plot": f"PAR({idx})"} if state_vars: for i, key in enumerate(state_vars): self._var_map[key] = {"cont": i+1, "plot": f"U({i+1})"} for key, val in self._var_map.items(): self._var_map_inv[val["cont"]] = key self._var_map_inv[val["plot"]] = key # perform initial continuation in time to ensure convergence to steady-state solution if init_cont: _ =[14], **kwargs) def __getitem__(self, item): try: return self.results[item] except KeyError: return self.results[self._results_map[item]] @property def pyrates_template(self): return self._temp
[docs] def close_session(self, clear_files: bool = False, **kwargs): if clear_files: clear(self._temp, **kwargs) os.chdir(self._orig_dir)
[docs] @classmethod def from_yaml(cls, path: str, working_dir: str = None, auto_dir: str = None, init_cont: bool = True, init_kwargs: dict = None, **kwargs): """Instantiates `ODESystem` from a YAML definition file. Parameters ---------- path Full path to a YAML model definition file for a `pyrates.CircuitTemplate`. working_dir Directory in which all the fortran equation and auto-07p constant files are saved. auto_dir Installation directory of auto-07p. init_cont If true, an integration with respect to time will be performed, using the equation file provided via the keyword argument `e=<fname>` (a file named `<fname>.f90` should exist in `working_dir`) and the auto constants provided via the keyword argument `c=<fname>` (a file named `c.<fname>` should exist in `working_dir`). init_kwargs Additional keyword arguments that will be provided to the `` method for performing the time integration. kwargs Additional keyword arguments provided to the `pyrates.CircuitTemplate.get_run_func` method that is used to generate the fortran equation file and the auto constants file that will be used to initialize `ODESystem`. Returns ------- ODESystem `ODESystem` instance. """ return cls.from_template(CircuitTemplate.from_yaml(path), working_dir=working_dir, auto_dir=auto_dir, init_cont=init_cont, init_kwargs=init_kwargs, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_template(cls, template: CircuitTemplate, working_dir: str = None, auto_dir: str = None, init_cont: bool = True, init_kwargs: dict = None, **kwargs): """Instantiates `ODESystem` from a `pyrates.CircuitTemplate`. Parameters ---------- template Instance of the class `pyrates.CircuitTemplate`. working_dir Directory in which all the fortran equation and auto-07p constant files are saved. auto_dir Installation directory of auto-07p. init_cont If true, an integration with respect to time will be performed, using the equation file provided via the keyword argument `e=<fname>` (a file named `<fname>.f90` should exist in `working_dir`) and the auto constants provided via the keyword argument `c=<fname>` (a file named `c.<fname>` should exist in `working_dir`). init_kwargs Additional keyword arguments that will be provided to the `` method for performing the time integration. kwargs Additional keyword arguments provided to the `pyrates.CircuitTemplate.get_run_func` method that is used to generate the fortran equation file and the auto constants file that will be used to initialize `ODESystem`. Returns ------- ODESystem `ODESystem` instance. """ # change working directory if working_dir: try: os.chdir(working_dir) except FileNotFoundError: os.chdir(f"{os.getcwd()}/{working_dir}") # preparations func_name = kwargs.pop("func_name", "vector_field") file_name = kwargs.pop("file_name", "system_equations") dt = kwargs.pop("step_size", 1e-3) solver = kwargs.pop("solver", "scipy") if init_kwargs is None: init_kwargs = {} # update circuit template variables if "node_vars" in kwargs: template.update_var(node_vars=kwargs.pop("node_vars")) if "edge_vars" in kwargs: template.update_var(edge_vars=kwargs.pop("edge_vars")) # generate fortran files prec = kwargs.pop("float_precision", "float64") _, _, params, state_vars = template.get_run_func(func_name, dt, file_name=file_name, backend="fortran", float_precision=prec, auto=True, vectorize=False, solver=solver, **kwargs) # initialize ODESystem return cls(auto_dir=auto_dir, init_cont=init_cont, c="ivp", eq_file=file_name, template=template, params=params[3:], state_vars=list(state_vars), **init_kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, filename: str, auto_dir: str = None): """Load `ODESystem` from file using pickle. Parameters ---------- filename Name of the file that contains summary and solution data of an `ODESystem` instance. auto_dir Installation directory of `auto-07p`. Returns ------- ODESystem ODESystem instance containing all the attributes that are available as dictionary entries in `filename`. """ pyauto_instance = cls('', auto_dir=auto_dir, init_cont=False) data = pickle.load(open(filename, 'rb')) for key, val in data.items(): attr = getattr(pyauto_instance, key) if type(attr) is dict: attr.update(val) else: raise AttributeError(f'Attribute {key} already exists on this `ODESystem` instance.') return pyauto_instance
[docs] def to_file(self, filename: str, results_only: bool = True, **kwargs) -> None: """Save continuation results on disc via pickle. Parameters ---------- filename Name of the file to which the results should be saved. results_only If true, only the `PyCoBi` recordings will be saved. kwargs Additional data/information to be saved to file. Will be available under the key 'additional_attributes'. Returns ------- None """ if results_only: data = {'results': self.results, '_branches': self._branches, '_results_map': self._results_map} else: skip = ["dir", "_orig_dir"] data = {key: getattr(self, key) for key in self.__slots__ if key not in skip} data.update({'additional_attributes': kwargs}) try: pickle.dump(data, open(filename, 'x')) except (FileExistsError, TypeError): pickle.dump(data, open(filename, 'wb'))
[docs] def run(self, origin: Union[int, str, object] = None, starting_point: Union[str, int] = None, variables: list = None, params: list = None, get_stability: bool = True, get_period: bool = False, get_timeseries: bool = False, get_eigenvals: bool = False, get_lyapunov_exp: bool = False, reduce_limit_cycle: bool = True, bidirectional: bool = False, name: str = None, **auto_kwargs) -> tuple: """ Wraps auto-07p command `run` and stores requested solution details on instance. Parameters ---------- origin Key of the solution branch that contains the solution `starting_point`, from which the new continuation will be started. starting_point Key of the solution on the solution branch `origin`, from which the continuation procedure will be initiated. variables Keys of the state variables that should be recorded for each continuation recording step. params Keys of the parameters that should be recorded for each continuation recording step. get_stability If true, the stability of each solution will be stored in the results under the key 'stability'. get_period If true, the period of periodic solutions will be stored in the results under the key 'period'. get_timeseries If true, the time vector associated with the state variables of a periodic solution will be stored under the key 'time'. get_eigenvals If true, the eigenvalues (floquet multipliers) or steady-state (periodic) solutions will be stored under the key 'eigenvalues'. get_lyapunov_exp If true, the local lyapunov exponents of solutions will be stored under the key 'lyapunov'. reduce_limit_cycle If true, the values of each state variable will be reduced to the minimum and maximum for limit cycle solutions. Else, the state variable values will be stored for multiple discretized points along the limit cycle solution (number depends on the arguments passed to Auto). bidirectional If true, parameter continuation will be performed into both directions for a given continuation parameter. name Name, under which the resulting solution branch will be accessible for future continuations. auto_kwargs Additional keyword arguments to be passed to the auto command `run`. Returns ------- tuple DataFrame with the results, auto solution branch object. """ # auto call ########### # extract starting point of continuation if self._last_cont == 0 and self._last_cont not in self.auto_solutions: auto_kwargs["e"] = self._eq if 'IRS' in auto_kwargs or 's' in auto_kwargs: raise ValueError('Usage of keyword arguments `IRS` and `s` is disabled in pycobi. To start from a previous' 'solution, use the `starting_point` keyword argument and provide a tuple of branch ' 'number and point number as returned by the `run` method.') if not starting_point and self._last_cont > 0: raise ValueError('A starting point is required for further continuation. Either provide a solution to start' ' from via the `starting_point` keyword argument or create a fresh `ODESystem` instance.') if origin is None: origin = self._last_cont elif type(origin) is str: origin = self._results_map[origin] elif type(origin) is not int: origin = origin.pycobi_key # call to auto auto_kwargs = self._map_auto_kwargs(auto_kwargs) solution = self._call_auto(starting_point, origin, **auto_kwargs) # extract information from auto solution ######################################## # extract branch and solution info new_branch, new_icp = get_branch_info(solution) new_points = get_solution_keys(solution) # get all passed variables and params solution_tmp, *_ = self.get_solution(point=new_points[0], cont=solution) if variables is None: variables = self._get_all_var_keys(solution_tmp) variables = [self._map_var(v, mode="plot") for v in variables] if params is None: try: params = self._get_all_param_keys(solution_tmp) except KeyError: n_params = auto_kwargs['NPAR'] params = [f"PAR({i})" for i in range(1, n_params+1)] params = [self._map_var(p, mode="plot") for p in params] # store solution and extracted information in pycobi #################################################### # merge auto solutions if necessary and create key for auto solution if new_branch in self._branches and origin in self._branches[new_branch] \ and new_icp in self._branches[new_branch][origin]: # get key from old solution and merge with new solution solution_old, *_ = self.get_solution(origin) pyauto_key = solution_old.pycobi_key solution, new_points = self.merge(pyauto_key, solution, new_icp) elif name == 'bidirect:cont2' and not bidirectional and 'DS' in auto_kwargs and auto_kwargs['DS'] == '-': # get key from old solution and merge with new solution solution_old = self.auto_solutions[self._last_cont] pyauto_key = solution_old.pycobi_key solution, new_points = self.merge(pyauto_key, solution, new_icp) else: # create pycobi key for solution pyauto_key = self._cont_num + 1 if self._cont_num in self.auto_solutions else self._cont_num solution.pycobi_key = pyauto_key # set up dictionary fields in _branches for new solution if new_branch not in self._branches: self._branches[new_branch] = {pyauto_key: []} elif pyauto_key not in self._branches[new_branch]: self._branches[new_branch][pyauto_key] = [] # store auto solution under unique pycobi cont self.auto_solutions[pyauto_key] = solution self._last_cont = pyauto_key self._branches[new_branch][pyauto_key].append(new_icp) # store key of continuation results self._cont_num = len(self.auto_solutions) if name and name != 'bidirect:cont2': self._results_map[name] = pyauto_key # if continuation should be bidirectional, call this method again with reversed continuation direction ###################################################################################################### if bidirectional: # perform continuation in opposite direction ds = auto_kwargs.pop('DS', None) _, solution =, starting_point, variables=variables, params=params, get_stability=get_stability, get_period=get_period, get_timeseries=get_timeseries, get_eigenvals=get_eigenvals, get_lyapunov_exp=get_lyapunov_exp, bidirectional=False, name='bidirect:cont2', DS=1e-3 if ds == '-' else '-', **auto_kwargs) else: # store summary of continuation results if new_icp[0] == 14: get_stability = False summary = self._create_summary(solution=solution, points=new_points, variables=variables, params=params, timeseries=get_timeseries, stability=get_stability, period=get_period, eigenvals=get_eigenvals, lyapunov_exp=get_lyapunov_exp, reduce_limit_cycle=reduce_limit_cycle) self.results[pyauto_key] = summary return self.results[pyauto_key], solution
[docs] def merge(self, key: int, cont, icp: tuple): """Merges two solutions from two separate auto continuations. Parameters ---------- key PyCoBi identifier under which the merged solution should be stored. Must be equal to identifier of first continuation. cont auto continuation object that should be merged with the continuation object under `key`. icp Continuation parameter that was used in both continuations that are to be merged. """ # merge solutions ################# # call merge in auto solution = self._auto.merge(self.auto_solutions[key] + cont) solution.pycobi_key = key # store solution in pycobi self.auto_solutions[key] = solution self._last_cont = solution # extract solution points points = list([0].labels.by_index.keys()) return solution, points
[docs] def get_summary(self, cont: Optional[Union[Any, str, int]] = None, point=None) -> DataFrame: """Extract summary of continuation from PyCoBi. Parameters ---------- cont Key of the solution branch. point Key of the solution on the branch. Returns ------- DataFrame All recorded state variables, parameters, etc. for the solution/solution branch. """ # get continuation summary if type(cont) is int: summary = self.results[cont] elif type(cont) is str: summary = self.results[self._results_map[cont]] elif cont is None: summary = self.results[self._last_cont] else: summary = self.results[cont.pycobi_key] # return continuation or point summary if not point: return summary elif type(point) is str: n = int(point[2:]) if len(point) > 2 else 1 i = 1 for p in summary.index: if point[:2] == summary.loc[p, 'bifurcation']: if i == n: return summary.loc[p, :] i += 1 else: raise KeyError(f'Invalid point: {point} was not found on continuation {cont}.') return summary.loc[point, :]
[docs] def get_solution(self, cont: Union[Any, str, int], point: Union[str, int] = None) -> Union[Any, tuple]: """Extract auto solution object of a given solution/solution branch. Parameters ---------- cont Key of the solution branch. point Key of the solution on the branch. Returns ------- Union[Any, tuple] Solution type (only if `point` is provided), auto solution object. """ # extract continuation object if type(cont) is int: cont = self.auto_solutions[cont] elif type(cont) is str: cont = self.auto_solutions[self._results_map[cont]] branch, icp = get_branch_info(cont) if point is None: return cont, None, None # extract solution point from continuation object and its solution type try: # extract solution point via string label s = cont(point) solution_name, solution_idx = point[:2], point[2:] solution_idx = int(solution_idx) except (AttributeError, KeyError, TypeError): # extract solution point via integer index for branch in try: if type(point) is int: s = branch.labels.by_index[point] solution_name = list(s.keys())[0] idx = np.argwhere([p == point for p in branch.labels.by_label[solution_name]]).squeeze() solution_idx = int(idx + 1) break else: s = branch.labels.by_label[point] solution_name, solution_idx = point[:2], point[2:] break except (KeyError, IndexError): continue else: s = None solution_name = 'No Label' solution_idx = 0 # make sure a proper solution was extracted, else return an unlabeled solution if solution_name != 'No Label': try: s = s[solution_name]['solution'] except KeyError: solution_name = 'No Label' except ValueError: # extract solution point via string label s = cont(point) solution_name = point solution_idx = 0 return s, solution_name, solution_idx
[docs] def extract(self, keys: list, cont: Union[Any, str, int], point: Union[str, int] = None) -> tuple: """Extract properties from a solution. Parameters ---------- keys Keys of the properties (e.g. state variable names, parameter names, ...). cont Key of the solution branch. point Key of the solution on the branch. Returns ------- tuple Tuple with 2 entries: (1) a DataFrame that contains the requested properties of the solution. (2) A map between the passed parameter/variable keys and the column names in the DataFrame. """ summary = self.get_summary(cont, point=point) columns = [k for k, _ in list(summary.keys())] keys_new = [key if key in columns else self._var_map_inv[key] for key in keys] key_map = {key_old: key_new for key_old, key_new in zip(keys, keys_new)} if point: return summary.loc[point, keys_new], key_map return summary.loc[:, keys_new], key_map
[docs] def plot_continuation(self, x: str, y: str, cont: Union[Any, str, int], ax: plt.Axes = None, force_axis_lim_update: bool = False, bifurcation_legend: bool = True, **kwargs ) -> LineCollection: """Line plot of 1D/2D parameter continuations and the respective codimension 1/2 bifurcations. Parameters ---------- x Key of the parameter/variable plotted on the x-axis. y Key of the variable/parameter plotted on the y-axis. cont Key of the solution branch to be plotted. ax Axis in which to plot the data. If not provided, a new figure will be created. force_axis_lim_update If true, the axis limits of x and y axis will be updated after creating the line plots. bifurcation_legend If true, a legend will be plotted that lists the type of all special solutions on a continuation curve. kwargs Additional keyword arguments that allow to control the appearance of the line plot. Returns ------- LineCollection Line object that was created. """ if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() label_pad = kwargs.pop('labelpad', 5) tick_pad = kwargs.pop('tickpad', 5) axislim_pad = kwargs.pop('axislimpad', 0) # extract information from branch solutions if x in ["PAR(14)", "t"]: results, vmap = self.extract([x, y], cont=cont) results['stability'] = np.asarray([True] * len(results[x])) results['bifurcation'] = np.asarray(['RG'] * len(results[x])) else: results, vmap = self.extract([x, y, 'stability', 'bifurcation'], cont=cont) x, y = vmap[x], vmap[y] # plot bifurcation points bifurcation_point_kwargs = ['default_color', 'default_marker', 'default_size', 'custom_bf_styles', 'ignore'] kwargs_tmp = {key: kwargs.pop(key) for key in bifurcation_point_kwargs if key in kwargs} self.plot_bifurcation_points(solution_types=results['bifurcation'], x_vals=results[x], y_vals=results[y], ax=ax, **kwargs_tmp) # set title variable if passed tvar = kwargs.pop('title_var', None) if tvar: tvar_results, tmap = self.extract([tvar], cont=cont) tval = tvar_results[tmap[tvar]][0] ax.set_title(f"{tvar} = {tval}") # plot main continuation x_data, y_data = results[x], results[y] line_col = self._get_line_collection(x=x_data.values, y=y_data.values, stability=results['stability'], **kwargs) ax.add_collection(line_col) ax.autoscale() # cosmetics ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', pad=tick_pad) ax.set_xlabel(x, labelpad=label_pad) ax.set_ylabel(y, labelpad=label_pad) self._update_axis_lims(ax, ax_data=[x_data, y_data], padding=axislim_pad, force_update=force_axis_lim_update) if bifurcation_legend: ax.legend() return line_col
[docs] def plot_trajectory(self, variables: Union[list, tuple], cont: Union[Any, str, int], point: Union[str, int] = None, ax: plt.Axes = None, force_axis_lim_update: bool = False, cutoff: float = None, **kwargs ) -> LineCollection: """Plot trajectory of state variables through phase space over time. Parameters ---------- variables State variables for which to create the trajectory. If 2, a 2D plot will be created, if 3, a 3D plot. cont Key of the solution branch to be plotted. point Key of the solution on the solution branch for which to plot the trajectories. ax Axis in which to plot the data. If not provided, a new figure will be created. force_axis_lim_update If true, the axis limits of x and y-axis will be updated after creating the line plots. cutoff Initial time to be disregarded for plotting. kwargs Additional keyword arguments that allow to control the appearance of the line plot. Returns ------- LineCollection Line object that was created. """ # extract information from branch solutions try: results, vmap = self.extract(list(variables) + ['stability'], cont=cont, point=point) except KeyError: results, vmap = self.extract(list(variables), cont=cont, point=point) results['stability'] = None variables = [vmap[v] for v in variables] # apply cutoff, if passed if cutoff: try: time, _ = self.extract(['t'], cont=cont, point=point) time = time['t'] except KeyError: try: time, _ = self.extract(['time'], cont=cont, point=point) time = time['time'] except KeyError: raise ValueError("Could not find time variable on solution to apply cutoff to. Please consider " "adding the keyword argument `get_timeseries` to the `` call for which" "the phase space trajectory should be plotted.") idx = np.where(time > cutoff) for key, val in results.items(): if hasattr(val, 'shape') and val.shape: results[key] = val[idx] if len(variables) == 2: # create 2D plot if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() # plot phase trajectory line_col = self._get_line_collection(x=results[variables[0]], y=results[variables[1]], stability=results['stability'], **kwargs) ax.add_collection(line_col) ax.autoscale() # cosmetics ax.set_xlabel(variables[0]) ax.set_ylabel(variables[1]) elif len(variables) == 3: # create 3D plot if ax is None: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') label_pad = kwargs.pop('labelpad', 30) tick_pad = kwargs.pop('tickpad', 20) axislim_pad = kwargs.pop('axislimpad', 0.1) # plot phase trajectory x, y, z = results[variables[0]], results[variables[1]], results[variables[2]] line_col = self._get_3d_line_collection(x=x, y=y, z=z, stability=results['stability'], **kwargs) ax.add_collection3d(line_col) ax.autoscale() # cosmetics ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', pad=tick_pad) ax.set_xlabel(variables[0], labelpad=label_pad) ax.set_ylabel(variables[1], labelpad=label_pad) ax.set_zlabel(variables[2], labelpad=label_pad) self._update_axis_lims(ax, [x, y, z], padding=axislim_pad, force_update=force_axis_lim_update) else: raise ValueError('Invalid number of state variables to plot. First argument can only take 2 or 3 state' 'variable names as input.') return line_col
[docs] def plot_timeseries(self, var: str, cont: Union[Any, str, int], points: list = None, ax: plt.Axes = None, linespecs: list = None, **kwargs) -> plt.Axes: """Plot state variable of a periodic solution over time. Parameters ---------- var Key of the state variable. cont Key of the solution branch. points List with keys of the solutions for which to create time series plots. ax Axis in which to plot the data. If not provided, a new figure will be created. linespecs Keyword arguments that control the appearance of the line created for each entry in `points`. kwargs Additional keyword arguments that control the appearance of the plot. Returns ------- plt.Axes Axis object that contains the plotted timeseries. """ # extract information from branch solutions if not points: points = ['RG'] points_tmp = self.results[self._results_map[cont] if type(cont) is str else cont].keys() results_tmp, vmap = [self.extract([var] + ['time'], cont=cont, point=p) for p in points_tmp] results = [{key: [] for key in results_tmp[0].keys()}] for r in results_tmp: for key in r: results[0][key].append(np.squeeze(r[key])) for key in results[0].keys(): results[0][key] = np.asarray(results[0][key]).squeeze() else: results = [] vmap = {} for p in points: r, vmap = self.extract([var] + ['time'], cont=cont, point=p) results.append(r) var = vmap[var] # create plot if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() # plot phase trajectory if not linespecs: linespecs = [dict() for _ in range(len(points))] for i in range(len(points)): time = results[i]['time'] kwargs_tmp = kwargs.copy() kwargs_tmp.update(linespecs[i]) line_col = self._get_line_collection(x=time, y=results[i][var], **kwargs_tmp) ax.add_collection(line_col) ax.autoscale() ax.legend(points) return ax
[docs] def plot_bifurcation_points(self, solution_types: DataFrame, x_vals: DataFrame, y_vals: DataFrame, ax: plt.Axes, default_color: str = 'k', default_marker: str = '*', default_size: float = 10, ignore: list = None, custom_bf_styles: dict = None) -> tuple: """Plot markers for special solutions at coordinates in 2D space. Parameters ---------- solution_types Type of each solution, entries of DataFrame should be strings. x_vals X-coordinates of each solution. y_vals Y-coordinates of each special solution ax Axis in which to plot the data. If not provided, a new figure will be created. default_color Default color to be used if bifurcation style is not known. default_marker Default marker style to be used if bifurcation style is not known. default_size Default marker size. ignore List of solution types that should not be displayed. custom_bf_styles Dictionary containing adjustments to the default bifurcation markers and colors. Returns ------- tuple A 2-entry tuple of (1) a list of PathCollections that correspond to bifurcation points, and (2) a list of corresponding bifurcation types. """ if not ignore: ignore = [] # set bifurcation styles if custom_bf_styles: for key, args in custom_bf_styles.items(): self.update_bifurcation_style(key, **args) bf_styles = self._bifurcation_styles.copy() # draw bifurcation points points, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() for bf, x, y in zip(solution_types.values, x_vals.values, y_vals.values): if bf not in "EPMXRG" and bf not in ignore: if bf in bf_styles: m = bf_styles[bf]['marker'] c = bf_styles[bf]['color'] else: m = default_marker c = default_color if y.shape and np.sum(y.shape) > 1: if bf not in labels: line = plt.plot(x, y.max(), markersize=default_size, marker=m, c=c, label=bf) points.append(line[0]) labels.append(bf) else: plt.plot(x, y.max(), markersize=default_size, marker=m, c=c) plt.plot(x, y.min(), markersize=default_size, marker=m, c=c) else: if bf not in labels: line = plt.plot(x, y, markersize=default_size, marker=m, c=c, label=bf) points.append(line[0]) labels.append(bf) else: plt.plot(x, y, markersize=default_size, marker=m, c=c) return points, labels
[docs] def update_bifurcation_style(self, bf_type: str, marker: str = None, color: str = None) -> None: """Update the default marker and color of a given special solution type. Parameters ---------- bf_type Type of the special solution. marker New marker type. color New color. Returns ------- None """ if bf_type in self._bifurcation_styles: if marker: self._bifurcation_styles[bf_type]['marker'] = marker if color: self._bifurcation_styles[bf_type]['color'] = color else: if marker is None: marker = 'o' if color is None: color = 'k' self._bifurcation_styles.update({bf_type: {'marker': marker, 'color': color}})
def _create_summary(self, solution: Union[Any, dict], points: list, variables: list, params: list, timeseries: bool, stability: bool, period: bool, eigenvals: bool, lyapunov_exp: bool, reduce_limit_cycle: bool ) -> DataFrame: """Creates summary of auto continuation and stores it in dictionary. Parameters ---------- solution points variables params timeseries stability period eigenvals lyapunov_exp Returns ------- DataFrame """ columns_2d, columns_1d, indices, data_2d, data_1d = [], [], [], [], [] add_columns = True for point in points: data_2d_tmp = [] data_1d_tmp = [] # get solution s, solution_type, solution_idx = self.get_solution(cont=solution, point=point) if solution_type != 'No Label' and solution_type != 'MX': indices.append(point) # extract variables and params from solution var_vals = get_solution_variables(s, variables, timeseries) param_vals = get_solution_params(s, params) # store solution type data_1d_tmp.append(solution_type) data_1d_tmp.append(solution_idx) if add_columns: columns_1d.append('bifurcation') columns_1d.append("bifurcation_index") # store parameter and variable information branch, _ = get_branch_info(s) for var, val in zip(variables, var_vals): if len(val) > 1 and reduce_limit_cycle: data_2d_tmp.extend([np.min(val), np.max(val)]) if add_columns: columns_2d.extend([(var, 0), (var, 1)]) else: for i, v in enumerate(val): data_2d_tmp.append(v) if add_columns: columns_2d.append((var, i)) for param, val in zip(params, param_vals): data_1d_tmp.append(val) if add_columns: columns_1d.append(param) # store time information, if requested if len(var_vals) > len(variables) and timeseries: data_1d_tmp.append(var_vals[-1]) if add_columns: columns_1d.append('time') # store stability information if stability: data_1d_tmp.append(get_solution_stability(solution, s, point)) if add_columns: columns_1d.append('stability') if period or lyapunov_exp or eigenvals: p = get_solution_params(s, ['PAR(11)'])[0] # store information about oscillation periods if period: data_1d_tmp.append(p) if add_columns: columns_1d.append('period') # store information about local eigenvalues/lyapunov exponents if eigenvals or lyapunov_exp: evs = get_solution_eigenvalues(solution, branch, point) if eigenvals: for i, v in enumerate(evs): data_2d_tmp.append(evs) if add_columns: columns_2d.append(('eigenvalues', i)) if lyapunov_exp: for i, p in enumerate(get_lyapunov_exponents(evs, p)): data_2d_tmp.append(p) if add_columns: columns_2d.append(('lyapunov_exponents', i)) data_2d.append(data_2d_tmp) data_1d.append(data_1d_tmp) add_columns = False # arrange data into DataFrame df = self._to_dataframe(data_2d, columns=columns_2d, index=indices) df2 = self._to_dataframe(data_1d, columns=columns_1d, index=indices) for i, key in enumerate(df2.columns.values): df[key] = df2.loc[:, key] return df def _call_auto(self, starting_point: Union[str, int], origin: Union[Any, dict], **auto_kwargs) -> Any: if starting_point: s, solution_name, _ = self.get_solution(point=starting_point, cont=origin) if solution_name == "No Label": raise KeyError(f"Starting point {starting_point} could not be found on the provided origin branch.") solution =, **auto_kwargs) else: solution =**auto_kwargs) return self._start_from_solution(solution) def _update_axis_lims(self, ax: Union[plt.Axes, Axes3D], ax_data: list, padding: float = 0., force_update: bool = False) -> None: ax_names = ['x', 'y', 'z'] for i, data in enumerate(ax_data): axis_limits = self._get_axis_lims(np.asarray(data), padding=padding) if force_update: min_val, max_val = axis_limits else: min_val, max_val = eval(f"ax.get_{ax_names[i]}lim()") min_val, max_val = np.min([min_val, axis_limits[0]]), np.max([max_val, axis_limits[1]]) eval(f"ax.set_{ax_names[i]}lim(min_val, max_val)") def _map_auto_kwargs(self, kwargs: dict) -> dict: # handle the continuation parameter if "ICP" in kwargs: val = kwargs.pop("ICP") if type(val) is str: kwargs["ICP"] = self._map_var(val) elif type(val) in [list, tuple]: kwargs["ICP"] = [self._map_var(v) if type(v) is str else v for v in val] else: kwargs["ICP"] = val # handle the user-point parameter if "UZR" in kwargs: uzr_dict = kwargs.pop("UZR") kwargs["UZR"] = {self._map_var(key) if type(key) is str else key: val for key, val in uzr_dict.items()} return kwargs def _map_var(self, var: str, mode: str = "cont") -> str: try: return self._var_map[var][mode] except KeyError: return var def _to_dataframe(self, data: list, columns: Union[list, tuple], index: list) -> DataFrame: # map variable/parameter keys to string-based keys columns_new = [] multi_idx = False for c in columns: if type(c) is tuple: col = (self._var_map_inv[c[0]] if c[0] in self._var_map_inv else c[0], c[1]) multi_idx = True else: col = self._var_map_inv[c] if c in self._var_map_inv else c columns_new.append(col) if multi_idx: columns = MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuple(columns_new)) else: columns = columns_new # create dataframe try: return DataFrame(data=data, columns=columns, index=index) except ValueError as e: if len(data) > len(index): return DataFrame(data=data[:-1], columns=columns, index=index) else: raise e @staticmethod def _get_all_var_keys(solution): return [f'U({i+1})' for i in range(solution['NDIM'])] @staticmethod def _get_all_param_keys(solution): return solution.PAR.coordnames def _start_from_solution(self, solution: Any) -> Any: diag = str(solution[0].diagnostics) sol_keys = get_solution_keys(solution) if 'Starting direction of the free parameter(s)' in diag and len(sol_keys) == 1 and \ "EP" in list(solution[0].labels.by_index[sol_keys[0]])[0]: _, s = solution[0].labels.by_index.popitem() solution =['EP']['solution']) return solution @staticmethod def _get_line_collection(x, y, stability=None, line_style_stable='solid', line_style_unstable='dotted', line_color_stable='k', line_color_unstable='k', **kwargs) -> LineCollection: """ Parameters ---------- x y stability line_style_stable line_style_unstable line_color_stable line_color_unstable kwargs Returns ------- LineCollection """ # combine y and param vals try: x = np.reshape(x, (x.squeeze().shape[0], 1)) except IndexError: pass if hasattr(y[0], "shape") and sum(y[0].shape) > 1: y = np.asarray([y[i] for i in range(y.shape[0])]) y_max = np.reshape(y.max(axis=1), (y.shape[0], 1)) y_min = np.reshape(y.min(axis=1), (y.shape[0], 1)) y_min = np.append(x, y_min, axis=1) y = y_max add_min = True else: y = np.reshape(y, (y.squeeze().shape[0], 1)) add_min = False y = np.append(x, y, axis=1) # if stability was passed, collect indices for stable line segments ################################################################### if stability is not None and np.sum(stability.shape) > 1: # collect indices stability = np.asarray(stability, dtype='int') stability_changes = np.concatenate([np.zeros((1,)), np.diff(stability)]) idx_changes = np.sort(np.argwhere(stability_changes != 0)) idx_changes = np.append(idx_changes, len(stability_changes)) # create line segments lines, styles, colors = [], [], [] idx_old = 1 for idx in idx_changes: lines.append(y[idx_old-1:idx, :]) styles.append(line_style_stable if stability[idx_old] else line_style_unstable) colors.append(line_color_stable if stability[idx_old] else line_color_unstable) if add_min: lines.append(y_min[idx_old - 1:idx, :]) styles.append(line_style_stable if stability[idx_old] else line_style_unstable) colors.append(line_color_stable if stability[idx_old] else line_color_unstable) idx_old = idx else: lines = [y, y_min] if add_min else [y] styles = [line_style_stable, line_style_stable] if add_min else [line_style_stable] colors = [line_color_stable, line_color_stable] if add_min else [line_color_stable] colors = kwargs.pop('colors', colors) return LineCollection(segments=lines, linestyles=styles, colors=colors, **kwargs) @staticmethod def _get_3d_line_collection(x, y, z, stability=None, line_style_stable='solid', line_style_unstable='dotted', **kwargs) -> Line3DCollection: """ Parameters ---------- x y z stability line_style_stable line_style_unstable kwargs Returns ------- Line3DCollection """ # combine y and param vals x = np.reshape(x, (x.squeeze().shape[0], 1)) y = np.reshape(y, (y.squeeze().shape[0], 1)) z = np.reshape(z, (z.squeeze().shape[0], 1)) y = np.append(x, y, axis=1) y = np.append(y, z, axis=1) # if stability was passed, collect indices for stable line segments ################################################################### if stability is not None and np.sum(stability.shape) > 1: # collect indices stability = np.asarray(stability, dtype='int') stability_changes = np.concatenate([np.zeros((1,)), np.diff(stability)]) idx_changes = np.sort(np.argwhere(stability_changes != 0)) idx_changes = np.append(idx_changes, len(stability_changes)) # create line segments lines, styles = [], [] idx_old = 1 for idx in idx_changes: lines.append(y[idx_old - 1:idx, :]) styles.append(line_style_stable if stability[idx_old] else line_style_unstable) idx_old = idx else: lines = [y] styles = [line_style_stable] # create line collection array = kwargs.pop('array', 'x') line_col = Line3DCollection(segments=lines, linestyles=styles, **kwargs) # post-processing if array == 'x': array = x.squeeze() elif array == 'y': array = y[:, 1].squeeze() elif array == 'z': array = z.squeeze() line_col.set_array(array) return line_col @staticmethod def _get_axis_lims(x: np.array, padding: float = 0.) -> tuple: x_min, x_max = x.min(), x.max() x_pad = (x_max - x_min) * padding return x_min - x_pad, x_max + x_pad
def _extract_merge_point(p: int, df: DataFrame) -> Series: p_tmp = df.loc[p, :] if len(p_tmp.shape) > 1 and p_tmp.shape[0] > 1: return p_tmp.iloc[0, :] return p_tmp