Hopf Bifurcation and Limit Cycle Continuation

Here, we will demonstrate how to perform branch switching at an Andronov-Hopf bifurcation

and continue a branch of periodic solutions.

As an example model, we use the mean-field model of a population of globally coupled quadratic integrate-and-fire (QIF) neurons with spike-frequency adaptation (SFA). The model equations were derived in [1] and are given by:

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}\tau \dot r &= \frac{\Delta}{\pi\tau} + 2 r v,\\\tau \dot v &= v^2 +\bar\eta + I(t) + J r \tau - a - (\pi r \tau)^2,\\\tau_a \dot a &= -a + \alpha \tau_a r,\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

where \(r\) is the average firing rate, \(v\) is the average membrane potential, and \(a\) is the average SFA of the QIF population [1]. The model dynamics are governed by 6 parameters:

  • \(\tau\) –> the population time constant,

  • \(\bar \eta\) –> the mean of a Cauchy distribution over the neural excitability in the population,

  • \(\Delta\) –> the half-width at half maximum of the Cauchy distribution over the neural excitability,

  • \(J\) –> the strength of the recurrent coupling inside the population,

  • \(\tau_a\) –> the SFA time scale,

  • \(\alpha\) –> the SFA rate.

This mean-field model is an exact representation of the macroscopic firing rate and membrane potential dynamics of a spiking neural network consisting of QIF neurons with Cauchy distributed background excitabilities.

It has been demonstrated that SFA induces synchronized oscillations in a population of excitatorily coupled QIF neurons [1]. In the example below, we will replicate these results via bifurcation analysis in PyCoBi.


Step 1: Model Initialization

Let’s begin by loading the QIF SFA mean-field model into PyCoBi:

from pycobi import ODESystem
import numpy as np

ode = ODESystem.from_yaml(
    "model_templates.neural_mass_models.qif.qif_sfa", auto_dir="~/PycharmProjects/auto-07p",
    node_vars={'p/qif_sfa_op/Delta': 2.0, 'p/qif_sfa_op/alpha': 1.0, 'p/qif_sfa_op/eta': 3.0},
    edge_vars=[('p/qif_sfa_op/r', 'p/qif_sfa_op/r_in', {'weight': 15.0*np.sqrt(2.0)})],
    NPR=100, NMX=30000

In the code above, we adjusted some default parameters of the model in accordance with the parameters reported in [1]. Also, an initial integration of the ODE system with respect to time was performed, such that the system was able to converge to a steady-state solution. Let’s examine whether the system did indeed converge to a steady-state solution.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ode.plot_continuation("t", "p/qif_sfa_op/r", cont=0)

If the system didn’t converge yet, try increasing the parameter NMX provided to the ODESystem.from_yaml method, which controls the number of time integration steps, until the system is assumed to have converged.

Step 2: 1D parameter continuation of a steady-state solution

A 1D parameter continuation in \(\bar \eta\) can be carried out as follows:

eta_sols, eta_cont = ode.run(
    origin=0, starting_point='EP', name='eta', bidirectional=True,
    ICP="p/qif_sfa_op/eta", RL0=-20.0, RL1=20.0, IPS=1, ILP=1, ISP=2, ISW=1, NTST=400,
    NCOL=4, IAD=3, IPLT=0, NBC=0, NINT=0, NMX=2000, NPR=10, MXBF=5, IID=2,
    ITMX=40, ITNW=40, NWTN=12, JAC=0, EPSL=1e-06, EPSU=1e-06, EPSS=1e-04,
    DS=1e-4, DSMIN=1e-8, DSMAX=5e-2, IADS=1, THL={}, THU={}, UZR={"p/qif_sfa_op/eta": 3.0}, STOP={}

In the above code, we provided all the auto-07p meta parameters as keyword arguments. As an alternative, you can create constants file with name c.name and provide it to ODESystem.run via keyword argument c=name. See the auto-07p documentation for a detailed explanation of each of these parameters. The following keyword arguments are specific to PyCoBi and deviate from standard auto-07p syntax: bidirectional = True leads to automatic continuation of the solution branch into both directions of the continuation parameter \(\bar \eta\). origin indicates the key of the solution branch, where a solution with the name starting_point='EP' exists, which is used as the starting point of the parameter continuation. We can plot the results of the 1D parameter continuation, to examine the results.

ode.plot_continuation("p/qif_sfa_op/eta", "p/qif_sfa_op/r", cont="eta")

The plot shows a 1D bifurcation diagram in the state variable \(r\) as a function of the continuation parameter \(\bar \eta\). Solid lines indicate stable solutions of the system, whereas dotted lines indicate unstable solutions. We can see that the steady-state solution branch undergoes a number of bifurcations, marked by the green circles (Hopf bifurcations) and grey triangles (fold bifurcations), at which the stability of the solution branch changes.

Step 3: Branch switching at a Hopf bifurcation to the limit cycle solutions

We know from bifurcation theory that the Hopf bifurcation at \(\bar \eta \approx 4\) is a subcritical Hopf bifurcation, and that an unstable limit cycle branch must emerge from that bifurcation. We can switch to this branch and continue the limit cycle solution curve as follows.

hopf_sols, hopf_cont = ode.run(
    origin=eta_cont, starting_point='HB2', name='eta_hopf',
    IPS=2, ISP=2, ISW=-1, UZR={"p/qif_sfa_op/eta": -2.0}

Let’s visualize the 1D bifurcation diagram again, this time with the limit cycle branch included:

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ode.plot_continuation("p/qif_sfa_op/eta", "p/qif_sfa_op/r", cont="eta", ax=ax)
ode.plot_continuation("p/qif_sfa_op/eta", "p/qif_sfa_op/r", cont="eta_hopf", ax=ax, ignore=["UZ", "BP"])

As we can see, the limit cycle solution curve that branches off the Hopf bifurcation is indeed unstable. However, it undergoes a fold-of-limit-cycle bifurcation, giving rise to a stable limit cycle solution branch. During continuation of the limit cycle branch, we set a user point at \(\bar \eta = 2.0\) via UZR={4: -2.0}. In the code below, we integrate the system equations with respect to time to show that the system dynamics are indeed governed by the stable limit cycle solution in that regime.

ode.run(origin=hopf_cont, starting_point="UZ1", c="ivp", name="lc")
ode.plot_continuation("t", "p/qif_sfa_op/r", cont="lc")

This concludes our use example. As a final step, we clear all the temporary files we created and make sure all working directory changes that have happened in the background during file creation and parameter continuation are undone. This can be done via a single call:


If you want to keep the Fortran files for future parameter continuations etc., just set clear_files=False.

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